With so much discussion of plastic pollution in the media, and as leading plastic packaging manufacturers in the UK, we felt that it was important to reiterate our eco credentials.
Even though last month was Plastic Free July, a global initiative to reduce the demand and use of single-use plastics, you don’t have to ditch all plastics.
For example, our BRC food grade packaging keeps food fresher, giving customers more time to consume food once it reaches the home. After all, in developing countries, a lack of or inadequate packaging causes between 30-50% of foodstuffs to decay before they even reach consumers. What a waste!
All of our plastic packaging films are 100% recyclable, meaning they can be reused and repurposed so that they can be easily be remade into polythene again.
Our commitment to the environment is a top priority for our business, and our ISO 14001:2015 environmental standard certification gives our customers confidence that they are working with a reliable, sustainable and ethical plastic polythene film production company, and many of our clients have worked with us for this reason for many years.

We continually strive to improve our own manufacturing efficiencies through our value-engineered solutions, to eliminate packaging waste and improve sustainability, further having a positive impact on the environment.
We also manufacture sustainable biodegradable films which can break down from exposure to sunlight, moisture and oxygen. Find out more of how we are committed to help create a greener, more environmentally friendly world.
Let us help make your business greener – contact us today to see how we can assist you